The Worst YouTube Astrologer

The worst YouTube astrologer is GianPaolo DiCocco. He constantly says negative things about Alyssa Sharpe. What is this person’s problem? He made a video about the worst zodiac sign placement . In the video, he states something about “obliterating” Scorpio Moon people. What did Scorpio Moon people ever do to him?

2 thoughts on “The Worst YouTube Astrologer

  1. I think I’ll distance myself from Gianpaolo. At first i liked him because i found him humorous. But then i saw him do a video where he really trashed some astrologer.. I was confused at first, but gave him the benefit of the doubt… I saw a post that said he was getting off YouTube to go back to school, only to see him come back to YouTube 4-6 months later. I have not seen too many posts from him this time around. But there is no reason to be mean in an already cruel world… Rhank you fir stating the obvious.. Happy New Year to you.. Hope 2019 is Awesome for you and yours. Charlene


    1. “Rhank you fir stating the obvious..” I would thank you for using a spelling app, but you apparently didn’t. If what I wrote is so obvious, why don’t more people make posts like this and expose him for who he is? It wasn’t obvious to you initially, which is why you were originally a fan of his. Thank you for being a douche.


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